Decatur, GA Neurology

Decatur, GA Neurology

Looking for a trusted neurology center near Decatur, GA? Elite Atlanta Centers is the known and trusted neurology center in near Decatur, GA. We have been helping many patients regain full control of their lives and get back to their amazing lifestyles with our treatment methods. At Elite Atlanta Centers, we believe that the non-invasive procedures should be maximized first to a patient’s road to recovery before proceeding to surgery. Many patients have been healed with our effective non-invasive procedures and treatments.

Our expertise is neurology; we have experts who can listen to your concerns and diagnose you properly. Immediate care and treatment are needed with neurological concerns because it deals with the brain, and suffering from such conditions might affect a person’s brain and body with permanent damage if not treated immediately.

Thus, if you or a loved one has been in an accident or has been suffering a personal injury, you should see a neurologist at our neurology center in near Decatur, GA.

Signs and Symptoms of a Neurological Condition

When is it time to see a doctor? If you are experiencing signs and symptoms of a neurological condition, you should see a doctor. The signs and symptoms are the following:

  • Persistent headache
  • Series of migraines
  • Weakness
  • Loss in muscle strength
  • Double vision
  • Memory loss
  • Impaired mental capacity
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Back pain
  • Slurred speech

If you have been experiencing a sign or symptom listed above, call us at Elite Atlanta Centers to book an appointment. Our experts will help you. Our neuro-diagnostic facility is equipped with the latest and most advanced medical equipment to provide care and treatment to our patients.

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